Audience Building Roundtable

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Resources - Audience Building Roundtable (including a (free) workforce workshop on Nov. 10)

Resources for Arts & Culture Organizations
November 6, 2020

In the age of COVID, The Essential Journey of Audience Building continues to be a practical journey focused on the eyes-wide-open, adaptable, data-driven leadership that guides organizations – and people – through extraordinary times.

Since the Audience Building Roundtable emerged from the first Art of Change Summit in November 2015, the building of audiences has been the grounding principle for an ongoing conversation about financial sustainability – the kind of financial sustainability that allows an organization to deliver more art, more cultural experiences, and deeper understanding to an ever-increasing, loyal audience.

We’ve assembled resources here, starting with a (free) November 10th workshop about the performing arts workforce, a grant opportunity, and an article that describes decisive actions “to emerge stronger in the next normal.”


Registration Coming to Your Inbox Soon
Thursday, December 3, 2020, 2:00-5:00 PM
Livestreaming Workshop from the Audience Building Roundtable

November 10 Workshop: Return to the Stage:

A Snapshot of the Performing Arts Workforce in COVID

To register for the webinar on November 10 at 3:00 PM Eastern Time,click here:

AMS Planning & Research and AMS Analytics are conducting a special webinar series to address a range of topics germane to operating an arts organization in the age of COVID.

The next webinar takes place onTuesday, November 10, 2020, at 3:00 PM, with a presentation from the authors of a recent study of Performing Arts Workforce followed by a moderator-led discussion.

The Performing Arts sector is grappling with extraordinary change, and the workforce faces urgent and complex stresses in economic, social, and professional terms. Return to the Stage is an independent study launched in July 2020 which documents the Performing Arts workforce’s coping strategies, potential attrition from the field, and more.

The program will include a brief overview, a deeper dive into key findings, and a 10-minute Q&A with the researchers, Meg Friedman, Senior Consultant for AMS Planning & Research and David McGraw, Program Coordinator for Arts Administration at Elon University.

Puffin Foundation Invites Applications for
Social Awareness Art Projects

October 28, 2020
Deadline: December 4, 2020

ThePuffin Foundationbelieves that artists have the unique ability to peacefully challenge those who seek to limit expression and that by sharing their creative talents can speak to and for all humanity.

To that end, the foundation welcomes applications to its grants program. Through the program, grants will be awarded in support of efforts to reach across biases and create dialogues that are peaceably transforming, educational, and move society in a forward-looking and -thinking direction.

The foundation supports not-for-profit organizations, U.S. citizens, and legal permanent residents that are using fine arts, dance, music, theater, creative writing, poetry, or photography to advance a common vision for humanity. Applications for public interest platforms/forums, from independent journalists, or from not-for-profit organizations engaged in nonpartisan community discussions also will be considered. The foundation does not fund documentaries, but it will consider funding for educational reels (DVDs) created from a documentary that have a teaching guide for use in classrooms. Awards typically include a Grassroots Award of $2,500 and Encouragement Grants in amounts of no more than $600.

Grant applications will only be accepted from individuals and not-for-profit organizations in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Completed applications must be in-hand or postmarked by December 4.
Applications should be mailed to JAVA KITRICK, president/director, PUFFIN FOUNDATION WEST, LTD., 3710 Exchange Glenwood Place, #331 Raleigh, NC 27612.

See thePuffin Foundation websitefor complete program guidelines, application instructions, and information about previous awardees.

Link to complete RFP
Geographic Funding Area:Georgia

10 Decisive Actions to Emerge Stronger in the Next Normal

On October 17, The Nonprofit Quarterly highlighted “10 decisive actions to emerge stronger in the next normal.” We’ll note that not all of the actions are relevant for every organization, but as The Nonprofit Quarterly observed, “at least ‘What Now?’ has the virtue of asking the right questions.”

You can find the questionshere:

Please see the following link for the email sent 11/6/2020